The idea development process

Please read more about how we work at Ard Innovation and how we can assist you in your project.

Your work results and ideas can turn into products and services with great societal benefit

For Ard Innovation, it is an important principle that the owner of the idea should be involved in all phases of the project development. The process is adapted to each project but consists mainly of four phases. The process steps are described below. The time horizon, from the project results submitted to the work results has been realized, varies.

Contact us

Idea phase


Project phase


Have your work and/or research resulted in a good idea? If you, as a NIBIO or NMBU employee, want to realize your results, you are obliged to contact us. You can start filling in the DOFI (Disclosure of inventions) or contact us for a non-binding chat.

Once you have presented the work result/idea, we will make an evaluation based on some established criteria. Here we look for the inventive step and uniqueness of the idea, and the market potential. Based on the assessment, we decide whether the work result/idea should proceed to the project phase.

Together with the owner of the idea, we create a comprehensive plan and strategy for developing the work result/idea towards a market. Typical tasks will be securing IP (patent, trademark, etc.), verifying R&D results, mapping markets, seeking financing, making prototypes, acquiring partners and agreeing on a realization strategy

After assesment your product or service is ready to launch in the market. A successful realization can be a license agreement with existing business or a new company that takes responsibility for the production, operation and further development of the product or service.

Idea phase

Have your work and/or research resulted in a good idea? If you, as a NIBIO or NMBU employee, want to realize your results, you are obliged to contact us. You can start filling in the DOFI (Disclosure of inventions) or contact us for a non-binding chat.


Once you have presented the work result/idea, we will make an evaluation based on some established criteria. Here we look for the inventive step and uniqueness of the idea, and the market potential. Based on the assessment, we decide whether the work result/idea should proceed to the project phase.

Project phase

Together with the owner of the idea, we create a comprehensive plan and strategy for developing the work result/idea towards a market. Typical tasks will be securing IP (patent, trademark, etc.), verifying R&D results, mapping markets, seeking financing, making prototypes, acquiring partners and agreeing on a realization strategy


After assesment your product or service is ready to launch in the market. A successful realization can be a license agreement with existing business or a new company that takes responsibility for the production, operation and further development of the product or service.